Tuesday 9 July 2013

Swing When Your Winning


Taking up a new sport...Golf...

Now a good way to keep motivated is to try new things, so every other week I shall pick a new sport to tell you about.
Either sports I play, have tried or would like to try.

I will tell you the benefits of the sport and some useful tips to help you get started.

This week will be Golf..now there is a per-conception with golf that only certain people can play, this may have been so in the past but from experience of playing on and off for the last 10 years I know this is simply not the case.

Golf is accessible to everybody, no matter your age, gender or class.

It is becoming increasingly cheaper to buy your own equipment and cheaper to get out there and play.

With discounted sport super stores like Sports Direct in the UK you can put together a decent set of clubs for around £100.

Prices for a round of Golf vary, depending on the course you play and whether you hold a membership but council owned course's tend to be very well priced, around £8-10 for 9 holes and £12-15 for 18 holes.
These courses normally provide hire of equipment also for a good price.

Now the benefits of playing golf...The picture on this Blog sums it up for me.
Getting outside in the sunshine and exercising.

Golf is a great game to play with friends as most courses allow 4 players to play together.

Golf can be good for your health and your heart. Walking an average course for a round of golf can be as much as four kilometers. If you walk 18 holes three to five times a week, you’ll get an optimal amount of endurance exercise for your heart. If you pull your clubs or carry them, you’ll burn even more calories each round and benefit even more, so don't be tempted by the Golf buggy's ;)

Playing golf regularly can help you:

  • Stay fit
  • Improve muscle tone and endurance
  • Lose weight and body fat
  • Assist in reducing stress (as a result of the physical activity and also due to the pleasure of walking in an open and pleasant environment)

It maybe good to have some lessons to learn to fundamentals of the game or get some practice at your local driving range and use YouTube to teach yourself the basics.

Most importantly go out there and enjoy yourselves.

Remember to watch The Open Championship Muirfield 14-21 July 2013, normally covered on the BBC.


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