Thursday 18 July 2013

Insanity - Part 2

And I'm Smiling Cause I Love It...

The next part of my look at the Insanity Workout is here.

Part 2 will consist of some completion stories that I have found from people around the world and some great motivational Before and After shots of people that have gone all the way with Insanity.

Story 1:-
Marissa Brassfield.
Insanity Workout Review: Is the Pain Worth It?

I’ve completed my 60-day Insanity workout review and took a couple of weeks to reflect on the, well, insanity I’ve put my body through over the last two months. Are the time, pain, expense and effort worth it to have a rock-hard body and improve your overall fitness?
Yes, absolutely, if this workout style appeals to you.

I’m a competitive person by nature. I’ve been an athlete for most of my life, and although I’ve been away for sports for about seven years, that competitive spirit is still within me. The sports drills and general intensity in the Insanity workout were certainly reminiscent of my training days, but since all workouts were done at home, I could focus on performing the moves and pushing myself without fear of embarrassment.
The Insanity DVD series will probably not appeal to those who prefer more low-key, passive forms of exercise, or those who don’t like the intensity of sports. I’ve noted as much several times. But for the right personality fit, there’s no better way to get in shape, see results and build a strong foundation of fitness.
Final Results and Recommendations
As of my last day on the Insanity workout, I’d lost 7 pounds and decreased my chest, waist and hip measurements by 2 inches each. A week after finishing Insanity (and starting a new round, with a day off between workouts), I’d lost another 4 pounds. Two weeks after finishing Insanity, I am stabilizing at a 12-to-14-pound total weight loss. My obliques are cut, and my overall physique is noticeably slimmed down. I’ve been told that my weight loss looks more like 20 pounds.
I do have a few words of warning for those who might want to embark on the Insanity workout. I’ll be following these on my new round.
  • Commit to doing the workout as scheduled, without fail. Earlier this summer, I was forced to take about a week off with just one week to go; the difficulties I encountered upon restarting the workouts showed my conditioning losses and challenged my spirit.
  • Do your workouts with a buddy (together or apart). My Insanity cycle inspired a friend who already owned the DVDs to start up a new cycle. We bonded over the challenging DVD of the day and kept each other accountable.
  • Catalog your journey with the public. Share your workouts with your blog readers, Twitter followers or Facebook friends. Having this column as an accountability tool made sure I kept on task, as I knew I had to report on how my week went.
  • Follow the diet that comes with the plan. I didn’t do this until the end. It’s tempting to eat whatever you want after working so hard — I didn’t gain weight when I did so, which seemed to reinforce the behavior — but shortly after eating a clean, healthy diet, you’ll start to crave fish, or chicken or homemade guacamole after workouts. (And you’ll see faster results!)
Story 2:- 
Christopher Azzari.
My Overview of the Insanity Workout.
  • Listen if you want an intense workout and the best results in the shortest amount of time then Insanity is for you.
  • You basically have 60 days Monday – Saturday of intense workouts that are all set up in the perfect way to shape your body and help you lose fat.
  • The first 24 days you are doing the Basic Insanity Workouts
  • Then you have a 6 day recovery week
  • Then you do the “MAX” Insanity Workouts << Good Luck ;-)
This workout is tough no doubt about it! If you have been sitting on the coach doing nothing for awhile it is going to a struggle. If you have never really “worked out” before it is going to be a struggle. I will tell you this though… I thought I was in shape the first time I did Insanity almost 3 years ago and it still kicked my butt!
I guess what I am trying to say is no matter what level of fitness you are at, you are going to struggle so just get in there and do it!

Some short quotes and Insanity Before & After Pictures - Just look at these results!!

INSANITY® - Chris T.

Chris T.

I didn't want something that I would have to do for a year to see results. I wanted something that was fast. I wanted that body tomorrow. I got results in 60 days. I went further than my goals. I lost 40 pounds and 17 inches. I kept going . . . up to 53 pounds lost. I went from 26% body fat to 8%. Being in this kind of shape, I like it a lot.

INSANITY® - Heather B.Heather B.

I knew that I needed to change something about myself. And I knew that I wanted to be a hot wife for my husband when he got back from Afghanistan. I ordered INSANITY reluctantly. A lot of people say INSANITY is crazy and insane. And it is hard. But if you stick with it, it's not so crazy anymore. So far with INSANITY, I've lost 31 pounds. INSANITY gave me so much more than a better body: It gave me a new lifestyle that I can share with my husband for a long time.

INSANITY® - Chris B.Chris B.

My abs have never looked this good. I've done more in this 60 days than I've done in 30 years. Shaun as a trainer is like having a big brother. And I never had one, so to have somebody push me to go further than I think I can go was a great, great experience.

Some truly great Success Stories.
Keep a look out for Part 3.


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