Thursday 4 July 2013

Forward Thinking

Planning a Workout...

Now the best way to make the most of your workouts is to plan.

Stick to your plan and you will see the benefits, but where to start...

Firstly decide what you want to achieve from your workouts:-
  • Weight Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Muscle Endurance
  • Maintaining your current level

For weight loss and muscle endurance you should be focusing on cardio and some weights.

For gaining muscle and mass you should be focusing on weights and some cardio.

Once you have made you decision you need to grab your calendar;
 Work out how many times a week you need to train to move towards your chosen goal.

Taking into account you should be having at least 1 day off every week and giving yourself at least 24 hours recovery between workouts.

*Note* If you have health issues, prior to planning your workouts you may need to consult your doctor or seek advice from a personal trainer(ask in your gym).

Importantly when your workout is planned!!

Commit to the workout plan and adjust accordingly during the entirety of the plan. 

Follow for 3 to 6 weeks and Re-evaluate.



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