Tuesday 2 July 2013

No Thanks I'm Sweet Enough

Toning Troubles...

 Now this is something I really struggle with.

I am constantly working on toning up troublesome area's and thinking of new ways I can push out those pesky abdominal's.

From constant sit ups, plank and medicine ball work.

Although deep down I know that I am not helping myself, constantly cancelling out this hard work with a vast amount of SUGAR.

Now I wouldn't call myself a chocoholic or anything but its the time of day I eat these certain foods.

Requiring that sugar pick up I find myself tucking into a chocolate bar at breakfast time.

Cutting this out or replacing should make the work I am doing twice as effective.

My alternative is to pick up some fruit instead of the chocolate but a long term solution for a morning snack can be a healthy shake; my shake of choice being:-

Banana Oatmeal Shake.

4 x Tablespoon of regular oatmeal
1 x Scoop of Whey protein
1 x Teaspoon Flax Seed
1 x Teaspoon Ground Almond

Grind or blend

Add 1 medium banana
Add skimmed milk

Blend and enjoy.

This I guarantee will keep you full till lunch.

This with the hard work still being maintained will see results alot quicker.


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